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Welcome to Research-Driven Decarbonization Initiative (RDDI)

We want to help the world stop climate risk but it requires a open conversation and shared knowledge. Humanity has solved many big problems in our history and we can solve climate change together.


A multitude of corporations are proclaiming their net-zero, sustainable status, with alleged strategies for decarbonization. However, these strategies are not open for public examination. We understand that certain proprietary information cannot be shared by a company, but this lack of transparency makes it challenging for the global community to differentiate between authentic climate action plans and mere greenwashing. Our suggested resolution is the creation of open-source industry standards for credible decarbonization/abatement pathways.

The benefits of this approach are dual. Firstly, it facilitates the straightforward assessment of existing corporations. Secondly, it offers a flexible blueprint for companies initiating their own climate actions.


To facilitate impactful climate action via open collaboration and transparent progress tracking.


A global environment where open-source, peer-reviewed climate solutions are disseminated, and reference implementations for sectors can be openly debated without any apprehensions of corporate privacy infringement. We are confident that sharing reference decarbonization/abatement plans and strategies will expedite progress towards net-zero emissions across all sectors of the economy.

Our General Princples

  1. Open collaboration and open-source approaches over closed innovation, to harness collective intelligence and encourage diverse contributions.
  2. Dynamic responsiveness and continuous improvement over rigid planning, to adapt strategies based on the latest findings and technologies.
  3. Modular, scalable, and interoperable solutions over standalone projects, to enable efficient responses to climate change and seamless integration with existing systems.
  4. Small, integrative components and cost-effectiveness over large, monolithic initiatives and hidden costs, to make climate solutions more manageable and appealing for corporations while prioritizing high-impact solutions.
  5. Transparency, trust, and vendor neutrality over secrecy and favoritism, to foster openness, mutual understanding, and equal opportunity for all participants.
  6. Peer review, scientific rigor, and strong documentation over unverified claims, to ensure the quality, dependability, and accessibility of our strategies.
  7. Data privacy, security, and user-friendly interfaces over careless handling of sensitive information and poor navigation, to protect individual rights and interests while maintaining ease of use.
  8. Community-driven support and continuous learning over stagnation, to foster collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and staying current with research and technology.

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