Our governance model is designed to be decentralized and representative of the diversity of stakeholders involved in climate action. We believe collective decision making and community control will enable the transparency and responsiveness needed to drive real progress.
Who are we?
This project is founded by the team at 15Rock with expertise in climate science, policy, and technology. We have seen firsthand the gaps in current climate plans and their validation approaches through our work with researchers, corporations, NGOs and policymakers. There is an urgent need for an open, collaborative platform to set a credible benchmark for climate plans and solutions across sectors.
To address this need, we are launching this project and contributing initial resources to establish a peer-reviewed framework for climate plan standards and validation. However, we aim to transition control of the project to the community as quickly and responsibly as possible. Our role is to catalyze action, not dominate the discussion.
Our Proposed Model
We propose the following community-driven governance model:
Open participation:
Anyone can contribute and make suggestions to improve the project. However, changes are subject to review before being accepted to maintain quality. Clear guidelines will determine acceptable types of contributions.
Earning influence:
Contributors gain points through constructive participation which allows them voting power and a say in project decisions. Points are allocated based on factors like the usefulness and adoption of a contributor’s solutions or resources.
Electing maintainers and administrators:
Contributors will vote to elect maintainers who review and implement changes to the project, as well administrators who set strategic direction. Elections will take place every 2 years and be based on a candidate’s relevant experience, participation in the project, and vision for the role.
Board of advisors (optional):
A board of advisors comprised of experts from key stakeholder groups may be elected to provide guidance. However, they hold no decision-making power. The community ultimately determines the project’s direction.
Transparent decisions:
All project decisions will be openly documented and available for public review and comment. Our aim is radical transparency and accountability to the community.
Roadmap to decentralization:
Within 1 year, administrative control of platforms and resources will transition to maintainers and administrators elected by the community. Our role as initial project catalysts will come to an end and we will step into contributor status while the community maintains the project as it sees fit.
This governance model supports our vision for a community where the open and collaborative spirit enables real progress on climate change. We welcome your feedback and participation! Together, let’s build something that matters.